Jericho: The City of Palms and Miracles
Jericho was a city that nestled in the Jordan River Valley. The region was relatively dry and arid, but Jericho’s proximity to water sources allowed it to sustain itself. Several springs provided fresh water for drinking and irrigation, while palm trees and other vegetation could be cultivated for food.

The Mystery and Majesty of Mount Sinai
The story of Mount Sinai is one that has captured the hearts and minds of believers for generations. It was on this mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, marking a pivotal moment in biblical history.

The Garden of Eden: Where Free Will Meets God’s Plan
The story of the Garden of Eden is one that has captivated hearts and minds for generations. It tells us about a place where everything was perfect – beautiful trees bearing fruit all year round, rivers flowing through lush vegetation, and animals living in harmony with humanity.