The Faithful Martyr: The Life And Legacy Of Stephen
Stephen was one of the first deacons of the early Christian church in the New Testament. He was known for his wisdom, faith, and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel message.
Stephen was one of the first deacons of the early Christian church in the New Testament. He was known for his wisdom, faith, and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel message.
John, the beloved disciple in the New Testament was one of Jesus’ closest friends and followers. He was present at many significant moments in Jesus’ life including the Last Supper, His crucifixion, and His resurrection.
Paul, originally named Saul, was a man who started out as one of Christianity’s fiercest opponents in the New Testament. He was a devout Jew and Pharisee who believed that followers of Jesus were heretics and needed to be eliminated.
Peter, originally named Simon, was one of Jesus Christ’s most dedicated disciples in the New Testament. He was a fisherman by trade and lived in Galilee with his brother Andrew.
John the Baptist was a prophet in the New Testament who lived an unconventional life. He wore clothes made of camel hair, ate locusts and honey for food, and preached repentance to all who would listen.