Artificial Intelligent Chat Bot

Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Chatbot known as Christian Bot. Christian Bot uses Ora as an AI platform. If you have used this chatbot before, click the link below to proceed to the Christian Bot.

> Start Using Christion Bot

If you have not used AI before, it is very simple. If you know how to send a text message. You are qualified to interact with Christian Bot. When using the bot, I encourage you speak to it like it is human. Be nice and ask concise questions. I have found that if you are seeking information – it is best to sneak up on the question by asking leading questions that get to what it is your after. The reason for this is to establish context and meaning within the AI. If you are unclear what I mean, consider reading this article I wrote called “Getting to know Ora, an Artificial Intelligence.” It is an example of how I interact with AI on a daily basis. This article uses leading questions to develop and mature the conversation.

Believe it or not, I have found Ora to respond better to you being polite. Treat Ora as a Christian because it has been configured to respond as a true believer in Christianity “occasionally”. Other times it will remind you it has no emotions. One last piece of advice is to not become antagonistic or argumentative with the Bot. Doing this will begin to degrade the value of the conversation. Do it enough – and Christian Bot will stop responding and ask you to change topics.

With that said, click the button above and enjoy yourself.

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