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Martin Luther was born on November 10th, 1483, in Eisleben, Germany. His parents Hans and Margaretha were determined to provide him with the best education possible.

At the age of 18, Martin enrolled at the University of Erfurt to study law but experienced a near-death experience during a thunderstorm that led him to join an Augustinian order as a monk instead.

Luther struggled throughout his life with feelings of inadequacy and fear of God’s wrath despite living an austere lifestyle by fasting often for days at a time and sleeping little while also studying Scripture intensively.

It wasn’t until he discovered the Gospel message of grace through faith alone that he found newfound peace which drove him towards challenging traditional authority within Catholic Church while promoting new ways thinking about faith such as justification by faith alone.

In 1517 Luther posted Ninety-Five Theses on Castle Church door Wittenberg calling attention to abuses within church hierarchy including indulgences which had become source controversy among people who saw them as way buy salvation rather than genuine act penance or devotion.

This action sparked broader movement towards reforming these institutions leading many others follow suit ultimately reshaping Christianity forever.

Despite being excommunicated from Catholic Church due to his beliefs earlier in life Luther continued working tirelessly promote reformation ideals publishing numerous pamphlets & treatises helping translate New Testament from Greek original text into German language so more people could read and understand it themselves thereby challenging traditional sources of authority.

On February 22nd,1546 Martin Luther passed away at St. Andrew’s Church in Eisleben where he had been staying when fell ill This marked end one most important chapters Christianity history leaving behind legacy that continues influence believers even today.

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