As Christians, we are called to not only believe in Jesus but also to strive for holiness through our actions. In order to do so, it is important that we maintain a balance between spiritualism, fellowship and sound Christian doctrine.

Spiritualism involves having a personal relationship with God through prayer and meditation. By taking time out of our busy lives to connect with God in this way, we open ourselves up to receive divine inspiration and guidance.

Fellowship is equally important as it allows us to come together with other believers who share our faith. Through fellowship, we can encourage one another on our journey towards righteousness while holding each other accountable for maintaining godly behaviors.

Finally, sound Christian doctrine provides us with a solid foundation upon which we can build our faith. Through studying the Bible and listening to teachings from knowledgeable pastors or teachers who adhere closely to scripture; We gain deeper insight into what God expects of us as His children.

It is essential that all three aspects of spiritualism, fellowship and sound Christian doctrine remain present in our lives if we are serious about living a righteous life under the grace of God. Neglecting any one area will lead us astray from the path He has set before us.

As believers let’s continue working hard at cultivating these amazing gifts given by Our Heavenly Father: Spiritualism – where there should always be quiet moments spent alone talking directly with Him; Fellowship – where iron sharpens iron within friendships forged inside His Churches walls; Sound Doctrine-where The Living Word Of God teaches us everything needed toward being transformed more into Christ-likeness daily!

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