Once a small village, Bethlehem was home to a variety of lush vegetation that boasted a bounty of fruits and vegetables. Fields of wheat and barley stretched out before the villagers like an endless sea, while olive groves flourished on the hillsides. Grapevines were abundant in this region, making it perfect for winemaking.

It was here that Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth as part of the Roman census which required everyone to return to their ancestral hometown for registration. Joseph’s lineage could be traced back to King David who hailed from Bethlehem, thus requiring him to make the journey with his family.

As they settled into life in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus under humble circumstances in a manger surrounded by animals. But their joyous arrival was short-lived when Herod heard about Jesus’ birth and became threatened by the prophecy that foretold his reign would come to an end at the hands of another king.

An angel appeared to Joseph warning him about Herod’s plot and urging them to flee immediately with baby Jesus into Egypt until it was safe for them to return home again (Matthew 2:13-15). The lives of Joseph and Mary were upended as they left behind everything they knew – friends, family, possessions – but through it all they remained faithful knowing God had a plan even if not clear at first sight.

Their time spent away from their homeland must have been challenging indeed; living among strangers in a foreign land is never easy especially so quickly after giving birth! Nevertheless both parents trusted God completely throughout these trying times holding onto faith despite many unknowns along way!

When danger had passed years later upon hearing news Archelaus ruling over Judea instead heading straight back Nazareth originally planned due dangers associated with Herod’s son being ruler there now; instead settling down further north Galilee town called Nazareth where Jesus grew up (Matthew 2:19-23).
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