Nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Babylon was an ancient city that boasted impressive architecture, art and literature. It’s a place where the hot desert climate gave way to a lush oasis created by agricultural practices perfected over centuries.

The vegetation in this region was sparse due to the harsh conditions but the people of Babylon were resourceful. They used irrigation techniques to bring water from the Euphrates River into their fields which allowed them to grow crops like barley and dates.

One of Babylon’s most famous architectural wonders is The Hanging Gardens. These gardens consisted of multiple terraces filled with soil planted with various trees, shrubs, vines, flowers, and other plants creating a tranquil escape from the bustling city below. Water for these gardens came through an ingenious hydraulic system powered by animals or humans which lifted water from the Euphrates River into reservoirs at different levels before being distributed through channels made out of baked clay pipes.

The people of Babylon were advanced in many ways beyond agriculture as well; they had developed legal systems that protected property rights while also providing justice for all citizens regardless of social status or wealth. In addition to this sophisticated governance structure, they excelled in mathematics, medicine and science as evidenced by their contributions to astronomy including mapping stars such as Sirius B.

Despite being highly developed culturally and technologically speaking there are indications that not everyone living in Babylonia during Israelite exile approved it’s culture and religion(s). Some Jews may have adopted elements of local customs however others rejected any attempt at assimilation maintaining strict Jewish traditions throughout their time spent under captivity within Babylonia.

Babylon was truly one-of-a-kind city full marvels both natural (like its location along two major rivers) as well as man made structures like The Hanging Gardens . While some Jews embraced aspects of Babylonian life during their exile, others resisted the allure of this city’s culture and religion choosing to remain true to their own traditions. One thing is certain though, Babylon will always hold a special place in history as one of the most advanced cities of its time.

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