Paul, originally named Saul, was a man who started out as one of Christianity’s fiercest opponents in the New Testament. He was a devout Jew and Pharisee who believed that followers of Jesus were heretics and needed to be eliminated.

However, all that changed when he had a powerful encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. While traveling there; he saw this blinding light shining down upon him leading towards great transformation within heart itself! Suddenly realizing his own sinfulness & need for salvation through faith alone thereby becoming one most dedicated apostles ever known throughout history!

From then on, Paul became one of the greatest champions for Christ – preaching the Gospel message everywhere he went despite facing numerous hardships along way including imprisonment beatings shipwrecks among other things! He wrote many letters (epistles) which are included within New Testament containing some most profound teachings about what it means truly follow Lord wholeheartedly no matter whatever challenges may come our way along journey called life below.

Despite opposition though yet still continued boldly proclaiming truth unto all who would listen reminding us all about importance staying true towards Word Of God regardless whatever obstacles may arise whether personal or societal in nature because ultimately everything else will pass away except His kingdom forevermore!

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