Stephen was one of the first deacons of the early Christian church in the New Testament. He was known for his wisdom, faith, and boldness in proclaiming the Gospel message.

Despite facing opposition from religious leaders who were threatened by his teachings; Stephen remained steadfastly committed towards sharing truth about Jesus Christ with anyone willing listen thereby eventually leading him becoming martyr himself due to stoning that took place!

However; even though physically dying at young age yet still left behind powerful legacy inspiring countless others throughout history since then reminding us all about importance staying true unto Lord no matter whatever challenges may come our way along journey called life below!

His story began when he was chosen as one of seven men appointed to serve food among widows within community thus enabling apostles focus more upon prayer & proclamation instead handling such physical needs themselves alone thereby showing how important it is be good steward everything God has given us whether large or small tasks alike!

As time passed; Stephen became increasingly vocal about his faith which led to conflict with those who opposed it. Despite being falsely accused & brought before Sanhedrin (Jewish council) on trumped up charges regarding blasphemy against Moses & temple itself yet still refused compromise principles standing firm unto end knowing Whose approval really mattered most above everything else…

When finally faced with persecution resulting in death through stoning thereafter did not waver but rather prayed forgiveness upon behalf own executioners while also seeing vision into heaven itself where saw Son Of God sitting at right hand Father thereby strengthening faith even further than ever before!

Biblical Reference

Acts 6:1–7: The selection of Stephen as one of the seven deacons

Acts 6:8–15: Stephen’s preaching and opposition by members of a synagogue

Acts 7:1–60: Stephen’s powerful speech before the Sanhedrin, detailing Israelite history & deliverance under God’s grace ultimately leading towards his own stoning to death.


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