Moses was born in a difficult time for the Israelites. The Pharaoh of Egypt had ordered all male Hebrew babies to be killed, but Moses’ mother, Jochebed, hid him in a basket and set him adrift on the Nile river. Miraculously, he was found by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised as her own son.

As an adult, Moses became aware of his Hebrew heritage and felt called to help free his people from slavery. One day while tending sheep in the desert, he encountered God through a burning bush that wasn’t consumed by flames. God spoke to Moses and revealed His plan for him: to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

Despite feeling inadequate for such a task, Moses obeyed God’s call and returned to Egypt with his brother Aaron as his spokesperson. They demanded that Pharaoh release the Israelites from bondage but were met with resistance at every turn. Through ten devastating plagues sent by God upon Egypt – including locusts, blood-red waters and darkness – Pharaoh finally relented after losing even more power when his own firstborn son died during Passover night (the last plague).

With their freedom granted at last they left under cover of darkness across dry land as if walking on water parted by divine intervention – later known as “The Exodus”. When they reached Mount Sinai where Moses received instructions from God about how to live according to His will which would become known as Jewish Law or Mosaic Law.

There were many challenges along the way; grumbling complaints among them being thirsty or hungry then fearing attacks from neighboring tribes but despite it all they persevered because of their faithfulness in following what they believed was right.

Incredibly enough after forty years wandering through wildernesses filled with trials & tribulations eventually led them towards Canaan – The Promised Land where generations still celebrate this event today! All thanks go back not only toward one man, but also the One who appointed him to lead His people out of slavery – Jehovah God.

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