Priscilla and her husband Aquila were a dynamic duo in the early days of Christianity. Together, they traveled across the ancient world to share the good news of Jesus Christ with anyone who would listen.
Priscilla was not content to simply be a supportive wife – she actively participated in their ministry as an evangelist and teacher. She had a deep understanding of Scripture and was able to explain it clearly to others, both men and women alike.
One day while they were in Ephesus, Priscilla met Apollos – a man who was passionate about preaching but didn’t yet have the full picture of what it meant to follow Christ. Priscilla saw potential in him and took him aside for further instruction along with her husband Aquila.
Together, they helped Apollos grow more confident in his faith by teaching him more accurately about Jesus’s teachings according towards scripture which led toward increased effectiveness when sharing God’s word among many people he encountered thereafter!
As time went on, Priscilla continued using her gifts as an educator & evangelist alongside Aquila helping them establish new churches wherever they travelled together. Despite persecution or opposition from those opposed toward Christian beliefs these two never gave up hope knowing that God had called them into this work where so many lives could be changed forevermore!
Priscilla became known throughout the early church as someone who was bold yet kind-hearted; faithful yet humble – always seeking ways toward serve others without expecting anything back except perhaps another person discovering truth too!
Her legacy continues today through all those influenced by her example including myself whose own life has been impacted greatly because I’ve learned much from reading about how this amazing woman used whatever resources available (including herself) towards furthering God’s Kingdom here on earth!
Biblical Reference
Acts 18:2, 18: These passages describe how Paul met Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth. They were tentmakers like him and he stayed with them while he preached there.
Romans 16:3-4: In this passage, Paul sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila as his “co-workers in Christ Jesus” who risked their lives for him.
1 Corinthians 16:19: This verse tells us that the church at Corinth met in “the home of Aquila and Priscilla.”